2 - Direct and Indirect Object : COD, COI ou COS ?
In these sentences, indicates the function of underlined words. COD, COI or COS ?
French Grammar Lesson .
- The complément d'objet direct (COD) is the word or group of words that joins the verb without preposition, to complete the meaning.
- The complément d'objet indirect (COI) is the word or group of words that joins the verb with preposition. Questions are asked to whom, what, from whom, from whom, what, for whom, for what...
- The complément d'objet second (COS) is called like that because the sentence already has a direct object complement and it is the second one. (sometimes referred to as indirect second complement)
- The complément d'objet direct (COD) is the word or group of words that joins the verb without preposition, to complete the meaning.
- The complément d'objet indirect (COI) is the word or group of words that joins the verb with preposition. Questions are asked to whom, what, from whom, from whom, what, for whom, for what...
- The complément d'objet second (COS) is called like that because the sentence already has a direct object complement and it is the second one. (sometimes referred to as indirect second complement)
Mon enfant, ma sœur, songe à la douceur d'aller là-bas vivre ensemble. (Baudelaire)
Mon bras sert de rempart à toute la Castille. (Corneille)
Il était un roi de Thulé à qui son amante fidèle Légua comme souvenir d'elle une coupe d'or ciselé. (Nerval)
À chaque fois qu'il y buvait ses yeux se remplissaient de larmes. (Nerval)
Une voix, une voix qui vient de si loin / Qu'elle ne fait plus tinter les oreilles. (Desnos)
Elle ne parle que d'été et de printemps. (Desnos)