3 - Direct and Indirect Object : COD, COI ou COS ?
In these sentences, indicates the function of underlined words. COD, COI or COS ?
French Grammar Lesson .
- The direct object complement (COD) is the word or group of words that joins the verb without preposition, to complete the meaning. (You can identify the direct object by using this simple formula: subject + verb + who? or what?)
- The indirect object complement (COI) is the word or group of words that joins the verb with preposition. (You can identify the indirect object by using this simple formula: subject + verb + to whom?, for whom?, for what?......)
- The second object complement (COS) is called like that because the sentence already has a direct object complement. (sometimes referred to as indirect second complement)
- The direct object complement (COD) is the word or group of words that joins the verb without preposition, to complete the meaning. (You can identify the direct object by using this simple formula: subject + verb + who? or what?)
- The indirect object complement (COI) is the word or group of words that joins the verb with preposition. (You can identify the indirect object by using this simple formula: subject + verb + to whom?, for whom?, for what?......)
- The second object complement (COS) is called like that because the sentence already has a direct object complement. (sometimes referred to as indirect second complement)
Il parle de ses vacances.
Il envoie un cadeau à sa mère.
Il envoie un cadeau par la poste.
Le vendeur me le donne.
Michel prête son livre à son voisin.
Je pense à mon amie.
Il mange son fruit.
Elle ne se souvient de rien.
Elle s'intéresse à la lecture.
Le vendeur me donne un paquet.