Verbes pronominaux

Choisis un verbe à conjuguer.

Le verbe s'enfuir
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe s'excuser
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe se blottir
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe se laver
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe se plaindre
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe s'ennuyer
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe se battre
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe se coiffer
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Le verbe se méfier
Choisis un temps !
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).
Drag the conjugated forms (purple labels) beside the right subjects (je, tu, ..).

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