FRANÇAIS | ENGLISH - Autres exercices :
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3 - Learn french - The Indicative Tenses - Game: The last word!

In this list of verbs conjugated in the indicative tenses, cross out the words as indicated below and find the last word!

1. In the list, cross out the 4 conjugated verbs in the plus-que-parfait.
2. In the remaining 26 verbs, cross out the 4 verbs in the au futur simple.
3. In the remaining 22 verbs, cross out the 3 verbs in the présent.
4. In the remaining 19 verbs, cross out the 3 verbs in the passé simple.
5. In the remaining 16 verbs, cross out the 6 verbs in the passé composé.
6. In the remaining 10 verbs, cross out the 2 verbs in the first person of the plural.
7. In the remaining 8 verbs, cross out the 4 verbs in the futur antérieur.
8. In the 4 remaining verbs, cross out the 3 verb in the imparfait.
9. Write in the box at the bottom of the game the remaining word, and valid!


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NB : pour ce type d'exercice, vous ne pourrez pas connaitre le résultat de l'élève ni savoir si celui-ci l'a fait ou non. Il sera ajouté à la liste d'exercices divers
