Exercices avec les noms
Les noms, les groupes du nom, les noms collectifs, les noms communs et les noms propres.
Nom commun ou nom propre ?
Règles et exercices.
Règles et exercices.
For each word in bold, choose whether it is a common name or a proper name.
For each word in bold, choose whether it is a common name or a proper name.
For each word in bold, choose whether it is a common name or a proper name.
What is a common noun, and what is a proper noun, explanations with examples.
Genre et nombre ? Ce1
Glisse en dessous de chaque mot l'étiquette qui lui convient.
Glisse en dessous de chaque mot l'étiquette qui lui convient.
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Slide the right label under each word. Are these nouns masculine or feminine, singular or plural?
Est-ce un nom ?
Choisis si le mot est un nom ou si ce n'est pas un nom
Choisis si le mot est un nom ou si ce n'est pas un nom
For each word, do the right choice, choose c'est un nom (it's a noun) or ce n'est pas un nom (it's not a noun).
For each word, do the right choice, choose "c'est un nom" (it's a noun) or "ce n'est pas un nom" (it's not a noun).
For each word, do the right choice, choose "c'est un nom" (it's a noun) or "ce n'est pas un nom" (it's not a noun).
Click on "Vrai" (True) if it is a noun, click on "Faux" (False) if it is not a noun.
Texte : Identifie les noms
Clique sur les noms !
Clique sur les noms !
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the common nouns of this text and validate.
Click on all the nouns of this text extract and validate. (common nouns and proper nouns)
Click on all the nouns of this text extract and validate. (common nouns and proper nouns)
Click on all the nouns of this text extract and validate. (common nouns and proper nouns)
Click on all the nouns of this text extract and validate. (common nouns and proper nouns)
Click on all the nouns of this text extract and validate. (common nouns and proper nouns)Clique sur tous les noms de cet extrait de texte puis valide. (noms communs et noms propres)
Le nom et son groupe (GN)
Pour chacune de ces phrases, trouve le groupe nominal (groupe du nom)
Pour chacune de ces phrases, trouve le groupe nominal (groupe du nom)
For each sentence, find the nominal group. Write the nominal group next to its sentence.
For each sentence, find the nominal group. Write the nominal group next to its sentence.
For each sentence, find the nominal group. Write the nominal group next to its sentence.
For each sentence, find the nominal group. Write the nominal group next to its sentence.
Nom commun ou nom propre ? Ce1
Glisse en dessous de chaque mot l'étiquette qui lui convient.
Glisse en dessous de chaque mot l'étiquette qui lui convient.
Slide under these words the right purple labels. Choose the number, gender, common noun or proper noun.
Slide under these words the right purple labels.
Slide under these words the right purple labels.
Animal, chose ou personne ?
Choisis s'il s'agit d'une chose, d'un animal ou d'une personne.
Choisis s'il s'agit d'une chose, d'un animal ou d'une personne.
For each noun proposed, choose whether it is a thing, an animal or a person.
For each noun proposed, choose whether it is a thing, an animal or a person.
For each noun proposed, choose whether it is a thing, an animal or a person.
For each noun proposed, choose whether it is a thing, an animal or a person.
For each noun proposed, choose whether it is a thing, an animal or a person.
For each noun proposed, choose whether it is a thing, an animal or a person.
Nom, verbe ou adjectif ?
Choisis si c'est un nom, un verbe ou un adjectif, clique sur le bon !
Choisis si c'est un nom, un verbe ou un adjectif, clique sur le bon !
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Put the purple labels under the words.
Choose whether these words are nouns, verbs or adjectives. Click on the right label
Phrases : Identifie les noms
Clique sur les noms !
Clique sur les noms !
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
In these sentences, click on all common names and then validate.
le noyau du groupe nominal
Pour chacun de ces groupes du nom (groupe nominal) clique sur le noyau (le nom chef de groupe)
Pour chacun de ces groupes du nom (groupe nominal) clique sur le noyau (le nom chef de groupe)
For each of these name groups (nominal group), click on the nucleus (the group leader noon)
For each of these name groups (nominal group), click on the nucleus (the group leader noon)